Online 634
3,328 Players
20 Guilds


Account Commands
Resets character and adds stats.
Does not remove items or inventory itmes.
Your Game will close, your Mu-Helper will start. Your character will level up in offline mode.
Perfect solution for those who need to close their PC if they go to sleep or work.
Item Pick disabled
Goblin Points per minute will not be gained
Offleveling character can be killed
Available once you set up your personal Store.
Do not open it. Just use the command.
Your Character will be logged off and store will be open
You can only place your shop in Devias
Allows to disconnect specified character knowing their character name and account password
General Commands
/request [on/off] Auto refuse all requests (trade/duel/party etc.).
/clearmybags Deletes all items in your bag (bag only)
/deleteallitems Deletes all equipped items and bags
/cleareventinv Deletes all items in the event inventory
/pkclear Clear killer status - cost multiply per kill
/post [message] Sends a message to the whole server.
/addstr [points] Adds points to Strength.
/addagi [points] Adds points to Agility.
/addvit [points] Adds points to Life.
/addene [points] Adds points to Energy.
/addcmd [points] Adds points to Command.
/war [guild] Propose a War to opponent guild
/battlesoccer Starts Football match in Arena
/socstop Stops the Fotball match
Marry System
Marriage is allowed with the same gender.
Marriage cost 50.000.000 Zen
Person who /propose must stand on Cord: 13 25.
Person who /accept must stand on Cord: 13 26.
/prop [name] Propose marriage (Devias 13 25)
/accept Accept marry proposal (Devias 13 26)
/divorce Cancels your marriage
/teleport Teleports to your marriage partner.
Teleportation is allowed as long as the player meets map requirements. You cannot teleport inside events.

Posted02 / 04 / 2022

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